Considering HOW we do things is becoming increasingly urgent
Redport is a multi-disciplinary consultancy providing strategic project solutions across a variety of sectors, including placemaking, regeneration and community development, with a focus on cross-sector collaboration and innovation.

Finding solutions

Building partnerships
Cross-sector partnership working is becoming an increasingly essential element of successful projects. Redport identifies and initiates productive collaborations and partnerships, and manages project communications.

Supporting innovation
Innovation isn’t easy. New ways of working need to take into account the need for new frameworks to support, legitimise and sustain emergent thinking. Redport creates opportunities for open and iterative experimentation.
In addition to commercial appointments, Redport is active in initiating and supporting cross-sector and community initiatives.

Creating Communities Together
The Creating Communities Together Project is a placemaking project. It was started by a group of built environment professionals to look at ways of thinking and working differently, to deliver resiliant, community centred outcomes. One of the core questions is ‘How can the projects that communities want to see happen be made viable.
If you would like to be involved, either through partnership working on a specific case study or through contributing particular knowledge or expertise, please do get in touch.

Weston & North Somerset COVID-19 Community Recovery
Open data about changes in progress supports effective and inclusive community-centred action.
In collaboration with Voluntary Action North Somerset (VANS) and Weston Town Council, and Commonplace, the Weston & North Somerset COVID-19 Community Recovery project focuses on providing data to the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector to support the increasingly essential services the sector provides.

Digital Inclusion
Digital inclusion is about more than being able to use a particular piece of equipment or software. It is about being able to engage with the new ways our realities are being mapped and understand the implications for our every day lives It is about the ability to be an active decision maker, and it is about creating pathways to help ensure diversity in the tech industry.
NS BME Network’s Digital Inclusion project grew from the Digital Democracy, Hatpins to Hashtags project with Feminist Archive South. It continues work on building a peer support tech network in Weston as a resource for the VCSE sector.

Innovate Weston
Innovation is about much more than technology. It is about challenging assumptions and exploring different ways of working, including ways of creating more inclusive, equal and sustainable communities, and ways of supporting and financing those involved in bringing positive change.
The Innovate Weston project will connect thought leaders with local initiatives, and will seek to promote innovative projects in Weston. A programme of talks is currently being planned, and if you are interested in presenting, or are currently involved in innovation and/or local projects, please do get in touch.